It has been exactly three years since 400,000+ people came together in the streets of New York City for the first Peoples Climate March in 2014, and we’ve achieved a lot. But there is so much still on the line, perhaps more than ever before. This year and next are critical in the fight for action on climate, jobs and justice.
NC Interfaith Power & Light is working alongside hundreds of national and local groups to determine our strategies for 2018 and beyond – and together as the Peoples Climate Movement, we want your input.
The Peoples Climate Movement’s power comes from people like you – taking action, getting involved and turning up. We know that the most effective and lasting way to make change is by building and empowering a movement of people to stand up to vested interests and those in positions of power.
Please take 5 minutes to complete the Peoples Climate Movement survey and share with us your views on how we should focus our power over the coming year and beyond. Your answers to these questions will help us understand what’s important to you and set the course of action for people across the country.
We want to ensure our leaders, both in the public and private sector commit to bold action on climate change that is rooted in economic and racial justice. We believe that we need a just transition to a new, clean and renewable energy future that not only addresses climate change, but also strengthens our communities and our families.
We want to know how you think we can best achieve these goals.
Thank you for being a part of this moral movement!