We are not a large congregation but do consume a lot of energy due to the fact that we have a day care facility on our campus. Before we installed our solar panels, the annual cost of our electricity was between $10-$11K per year. We did some other cost saving measures such as bringing our […]
Trinity Presbyterian Church – Hendersonville, NC
In 2019 we installed 129 solar panels (47KW), raising over $84,000 in 4 weeks from 120 church members. The goal was to reduce our electricity by at least 50%-to-55%. By 2023, our KWh drawn from the grid were 90% LESS than our last year before solar (2018). The solar project led to the creation of […]
Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
As part of our Green Sanctuary Certification effort we got solar panels placed on the roof of our CARE building. Visit Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship online at: https://eruuf.org
Peace United Church of Christ
As of Wednesday, March 13th, 2024 Peace UCC became a church largely powered by the sun. Yes, our 95 solar panels have been installed and are up and running. “Green energy” is now a part of our ministry! There are, of course, two major reasons to adopt solar energy: financial stewardship and environmental stewardship. The […]
Epworth United Methodist Church
As members of Epworth United Methodist Church (EUMC), we hold a core belief that “All creation is the Lord’s, and we are responsible for the ways in which we use and abuse it” (from the UMC Social Principle). However, powering our church with electricity generated from fossil fuels contradicted this belief, as it causes pollution, […]
Hillside Church, A Baptist Fellowship
Hillside Church is an 18,905 square foot building built in the year 2000 in Chapel Hill. Hillside Church had an Energy Assessment Report done by John Roberts, a church member and energy auditor with NCIPL in 2020. The report recommended changing out lights for LED lamps and installing solar panels. Hillside’s pastor, Rob Tennant, and […]
Hendersonville First United Methodist Church Solar Installation
The Hendersonville FUMC Board of Trustees received a suggestion in 2021 from one of the trustees, Mr. Jim Kane, that the church should investigate the possibility of rooftop solar as a means of lowering energy costs and reducing emissions. The church buildings constitute about 66,000 sq. ft. and were consuming on average about $34,000 in […]
Community UCC Solar Project
Community UCC is a relatively small (about 120 active members) congregation located in Raleigh, NC, that has long had an active interest in environmental stewardship. We created our Justice in a Changing Climate initiative (JCC) in 2007, recognizing that climate change will affect those with the fewest resources more adversely and sooner than the rest of us.
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Hendersonville
UUFH Celebrates Its Commitment to Renewable Energy The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Hendersonville (UUFH) is celebrating the installation of a 40-panel solar array on its sanctuary roof. This installation is evidence of the congregation’s commitment to renewable energy and is the culmination of a two year program to become more environmentally friendly according to the […]
United Church of Chapel Hill Solar Project
Our Solar Journey at United Church of Chapel Hill On November 6, 2015, the latest photovoltaic array on a North Carolina house of worship went online. The 84.76 kW, 326 panel system will generate 60% of our annual electricity needs at United Church of Chapel Hill (UCCH) and reduce our overall carbon footprint by a […]