Featured image from Jamar Lanham at a protest in Raleigh, NC during the weekend of May 30-31, 2020. #Lanhamphotography Posted on June 3, 2020 NCIPL envisions a stable climate where humans live in right and just relationships, interconnected with a healthy, thriving, natural world. NCIPL accomplishes its mission by encouraging a culture shift towards environmental […]
Faith in Solar
Every faith tradition has a mandate within sacred texts to care for creation. Clean, renewable, solar energy is a critical component of creation care in the 21st Century. On April 26 NC WARN’s Faith in Solar effort, endorsed by the North Carolina NAACP, the Ministers’ Conference of Winston-Salem and Vicinity, and 150 individual faith leaders, […]
The People’s Climate March
Multi-faith pilgrims on a moral high road unifed to honor God’s creation at the Peoples Climate March on the National Mall, April 29. The event drew 200,000 people from every state with broad support from over 400 sister marches in the U.S. and around the world. Interfaith Power & Light was represented by over 40 […]
We Are “Springing into Action”!
Though the week’s main events have passed, it’s not too late to be involved. Click here to join NCIPL’s virtual advocacy campaign and send a message to your representatives asking them to support clean energy for North Carolina! Thank you to everyone who helped make our Spring Into Action kickoff week a success! You participated from all over the […]
The Heart of Our Work
Clean energy is the future. Click here for ways your congregation can participate.
Sacred Foodscapes for All Creation
Make the food-faith-climate connection. Read more.
Worship is at the heart of what you do. Click here for resources, models and collaborative campaigns.