I have a passion for drawing and painting, because I want to be an illustrator and a storyboard writer for Marvel Comics. Marvel Comics is notorious for many things, but ever since its creation in 1939 as Timely Comics, Marvel Comics have always used Superhero stories as platforms to speak about political and social issues of the time.
I find the biggest issue of my generation’s time, and the next generations to come to be Climate Change, and I believe that I have a moral obligation as a human being to do everything I can in order to ensure that we take care of our home.
We have 8 years to make sure that the state of the environment will remain sustainable. We are living in an environment where summer ends in November, and starts in January for tropical places, multiple hurricanes within one year happen, there are countless fires in California, and NYC was flooded by a tropical storm. Seeing these awful natural disasters getting progressively worse and worse, I feel as if I need to take part in this fight for the human race to thrive within this planet.
Contact Nicolas:
I am Nicolas Easdale, a 2021-2022 Fellow who was hired by Susannah Tuttle of North Carolina Interfaith Power & Light in July, 2021. A recent High School graduate from Franklin Academy, I am currently a Freshman in Broward College, where I am attending as an Art Major and as a transfer student. I live in Broward County, Florida.