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2015 National Preach-In on Global Warming

February 13, 2015 - February 14, 2015

Preach-In on Global Warming

Starting this Valentine’s Day, join with North Carolina Interfaith Power & Light and thousands of other faith communities in proclaiming you and your congregation’s love for God’s creation through the 5th annual Preach-In on Global Warming.

Global warming is getting worse; last year was officially the hottest year on record. That’s why we want to fill 2015 with our prayers, preaching, and action to help fight global warming and protect creation. Taking part in the Preach-In is a great way to get your community involved and show that creation care matters to you. You can participate any time between Valentine’s Day weekend and Earth Day through activities like a sermon, showing a documentary, or participating in the worldwide Climate Prayer.


The focus of this year’s campaign is the Environmental Protection Agency’s new rules which will help reduce carbon pollution from power plants, the largest emitters of greenhouse gasses in the United States. Congregations can send “Love Creation” valentines to their representatives, urging them to support these important new regulations.

If you would like to participate, register by January 31 to insure you receive the materials by Valentine’s Day.Pastor Halsted_UCC Raleigh

Visit www.preachin.org to sign up and post your activities, and for resources like information and videos about global warming, hymns, ideas for activities, and videos of sermons from past Preach-Ins.

We hope your congregation is able to take part in this year’s Preach-In on Global Warming! And if you have questions, we’re here to help!


February 13, 2015
February 14, 2015
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NC Interfaith Power & Light