Sol Train
Feb-March – over 240 households enrolled for a free, no obligation home solar assessment.
Faith Voices for Clean Energy Education Outreach at NCGA
March 21st – over 60+ faith leaders met with their elected officials to build relationships and connect climate issues with each of HKonJ’s 14-point plan.
Creation Justice Pathways
March 23-24 – NCIPL & PHW co-presented to over 80+ statewide community reps on the environment as an issue of personal health and of social justice.
Faith Voices for Clean Energy Advocacy Day at NCGA
April 6th – distributed energy bill summary sheets to NCGA offices and attended the confirmation hearing for the confirmation of DEQ Secretary, Michael Regen.
Creative Resistance: Fighting Toxins / Fossil Fuels
April 4th – 150 people attended event connecting human rights and how to protect ourselves and our communities from the toxic impact of fossil fuels.
Faith Climate Action Week
April 17-23 – via our national IPL network we reached close to 2-million people with more than 5,000 climate events, stewardship sermons, and talks nationwide.
National IPL Annual Meeting, Lobby Day, & Board Meeting
April 24-27 – Susannah & Michelle represented NCIPL for the 3-day conference and meetings with NC Senators and Congressional offices on Capitol Hill.
April 28 – Susannah was elected to the national IPL Board of Directors.
People’s Climate March
April 29 – 200,000 people from every state marched in D.C. with over 400 sister marches in the U.S. and around the world. Interfaith Power & Light was represented by over 40 state affiliate groups including over 100 North Carolinians marching with NCIPL as part of the “Keepers of Faith” contingent.
Inclusive Climate Adaptation & Resilience Building
May 9-11 – Attended National Adaptation Forum to lead workshop on how climate actions can incorporate considerations for vulnerable populations