On September 20, three days before the UN Climate Summit in NYC, NC Interfaith Power and Light is joining young climate leaders and adult allies striking all across the US and world to demand transformative action addressing the climate crisis. Below is a compilation of resources for students, parents, and faith communities. “FOR THE LOVE […]
2014 National Preach-In on Climate Change
Download your free kit for the 2014 National Preach-In on Climate Change over Valentine’s weekend. From the comfort of your own congregation, you can join in spirit with thousands of religious leaders from across the country in preaching and teaching about climate change and love of Creation. Each Preach-In Kit includes activity ideas, printable postcards to senators, bulletin inserts, a […]
In the face of economic crisis, how to make the world a better place
Start with what you love. Susannah Tuttle said that to me on Saturday, and it was perfect for the moment. I loved the bluegrass festival in Raleigh and the way it lifted our spirits. I broke away from the festival in the afternoon and strode up to the state government mall for the iMatter rally. I loved that too. The iMatter Youth NC March for Our Planet was led by Hallie Turner, 11, who dates her activism on climate change to a dinnertime conversation with her parents—and a subsequent visit to the library where she read Al Gore’s book An Inconvenient Truth—at age 9. […]
Congregations and Coal: Faith & the Riverbend Coal Plant
Facing the coal plant, smoke stacks and power lines looming over the sign of this church, I thought of the position of communities of faith as they face the energy realities of the future.