Tell the NC Utilities Commission (NCUC) you support net metering and solar power! Like rollover minutes on a cell phone bill, net metering gives renewable energy customers full credit on their utility bills for the excess clean power they deliver to the grid. This simple credit system is one of the most important state policies for empowering Americans to generate their own power from the sun.
Temple Emanuel, Greensboro
Temple Emanuel 1129 Jefferson Road, Greensboro, NC 27410 Contact: Gary Silverstein, Temple Emanuel, Greensboro dedicated their 5 kW solar system on October 16, 2011 at their Jewish Festival. Temple Emanuel has had a very active Teva Committee for many years. Teva is the Hebrew word for nature. The Teva Committee worked for several years shepherding […]
Myers Park Baptist Church, Charlotte
Myers Park Baptist Church 1900 Queens Rd Charlotte, NC 28207 Contact: Kate Green, Myers Park Baptist Church, Charlotte dedicated their 5 kW system on October 2, 2011 in a ceremony after worship services. A church Energy Committee, created at the request of their Earthkeepers Group learned about a matching grant using federal stimulus funds that was […]
First Congregational United Church of Christ, Asheville
First Congregational United Church of Christ, Asheville 20 Oak St., Asheville, NC 28801 Contact: Pastor Joe Hoffman, First Congregational United Church of Christ, Asheville is the first congregation in North Carolina to use this model. They dedicated their 10KW solar system at a Solarbration on April 3, 2011. It was featured in a news story […]