On Friday, September 20, 2019 NC Interfaith Power and Light participated in the biggest climate strike in North Carolina history. Raleigh’s event was only one strike in the hundreds that happened all over the world for the Global Climate Strike. It was the largest worldwide climate mobilization ever and the largest youth-led mobilization on any issue in history. It was estimated that 1500 youth climate leaders and adult allies came out to Raleigh striking to demand transformative action be taken to address the climate crisis.
The photos below are just a snapshot of the passion and energy that was seen and felt at the Raleigh Climate Strike. Don’t miss our youth-made video of participants sharing their reasons for striking! We hope the photos and video below inspire you to take action in your own faith communities!
Rishi Ranabothu, Youth Leaders Initiative Founder
Sarah Ogletree, NCIPL Program Coordinator
Rev. Dr. Jennifer Copeland, Executive Director of the NC Council of Churches
Susannah Tuttle, Director of NC Interfaith Power and Light
Michelle Peedin, NCIPL Youth Leaders Coordinator
Gary Smith, Chair of NCIPL Energy Working Group, with his group Community United Church of Christ in Raleigh.
Gary, Connie, Diana from Pittsboro Presbyterian Church
Sue Barnett from Unitarian Universalist PEACE Fellowship, Raleigh with NCIPL Program Coordinator, Sarah Ogletree
Rev. Pat Watkins and Rev. Dr. Denise Honeycutt from the United Methodist Church Caretakers of Gods Creation Community
Michelle Peedin, NCIPL Youth Leaders Coordinator
Phill Wilson from United Church of Chapel Hill
Becca Lamb, Michelle Peedin, NCIPL’s Youth Leaders Coordinator, and Avery Davis Lamb, previously with IPL DMV
Rishi Ranabothu, Tristan Peedin, Zeke DeGette
NCIPL Team: Michelle Peedin – Youth Leaders Coordinator, Sarah Ogletree – Program Coordinator,
and Susannah Tuttle – Director of NC Interfaith Power and Light
NCIPL Youth Leaders Initiative – “For The Love Of” Video
Here is a video that one of our youth made. Tristan Peedin, 16 years old, interviewed and edited this compilation video of strikers at the Climate Strike last Friday in Raleigh, NC. At NCIPL we recognize that storytelling is a powerful way to educate, inspire, and mobilize this climate justice movement.
To learn more about NCIPL’s Youth Leaders Initiative or our newly forming network, Click Here.
More Photos from the Raleigh Climate Strike