This week in North Carolina and around the world, faith communities are rising to the call from GreenFaith to pray for national and world leaders to take bold action to reverse climate change at the U.N. COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland in November. On Monday, October 18 over 190 people of faith formed a […]
Food Complementary Programs
Complementary Food Programs Cool Harvest: This IPL program comes with a free spring planting guide and a fall “harvest” guide for a hosting a cool potluck and a movie. Come to the Table: A program of the Rural Life Committee of the North Carolina Council of Churches and RAFI-USA, can help you start a congregational […]
Food Working Group
The volunteer NCIPL Food Working Group is working to address climate change as it relates to the faith-food connection and help make faith communities more resilient. If you are interested in getting involved with the Food Working Group, please fill out the form below and a team member will be in touch with you.
Food Resources
Books Diet for a Hot Planet: The Climate Crisis at the End of Your Fork and What You Can Do About It. Anna Lappe. Bloomsbury USA, 2010. Food and Faith; a Theology of Eating. Normal Wirzba. Cambridge University Press, 2011. Making Peace with the Land, Fred Bahson and Norman Wirzba. Request from our Lending Library. […]
Sacred Foodscapes for All Creation
We offer a collection of resources and actions that faith communities can explore that will heighten awareness of the sacred story of food and help refresh and reinforce the gratitude we feel for the bountiful yet fragile creation that sustains us. Actions your faith community can take: Create climate friendly congregational foodscapes. Check out the National […]