Energy saving volunteers in North Carolina work at nexus of climate and poverty Community Inspiration Winner of IPL’s Cool Congregations Challenge Good Shepherd Episcopal Church Hayesville, North Carolina CO2 Reduction: 33 metric tons/year Prevents: 35,000 lbs. of coal from being burned Families helped: 40 and counting Percent CO2 Reduction: 10-20% per household A group of […]
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of W-S
The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Winston-Salem has a long and exciting set of goals, accomplishments, and challenges relating to its Green Sanctuary Program accreditation. We have a broad range of practices to build awareness of the significance and complexity of environmental issues facing our society. We often have sermons by our minister and visiting experts […]
West Market Street United Methodist Church, Greensboro
West Market Street United Methodist Church’s Care4Creation team launched a “Let There Be Light” campaign during the month of April to educate the congregation about the benefits of LED light bulbs and to invite contributions towards purchasing bulbs for three highly used areas of the church. The emphasis built up to a worship service on […]
Christ Episcopal Church, Albemarle Offers NCIPL Energy Workshop to Public
Written by Nancy Bryant, Good Earth Committee, 704-474-9134 Christ Episcopal Church, Albemarle Christ Episcopal Church’s Good Earth Committee offered a free two-hour workshop on energy efficiency for Stanly churches on Saturday, April 27, 2013, as part of Christ Church’s Caring for Creation Month emphasis. The purpose of the workshop was two-fold: 1. to offer information […]
Durham Shambhala Meditation Center Energy Audit Reflection
“A couple of years ago NCIPL did an energy audit at the Durham Shambhala Meditation Center, and about that time the Center also sponsored a showing and discussion of Al Gore’s film “An Inconvenient Truth”. As a (now retired) employee of the US EPA, I considered myself pretty environmentally aware, but I was surprised to […]
St. Thomas More Energy Audit Reflection
“As I’ve been asked to make some personal reflections on the energy audit at St. Thomas More Parish sponsored by NCIPL, let me offer these few comments. We had a major building project in 2007-2010 during which we had incorporated several energy-saving features. However, we did not have sufficient capital to do all that we […]
Temple Emanuel, Winston Salem
Temple Emanuel, Winston Salem 201 Oakwood Dr Winston-Salem, NC 27103 Temple Emanuel’s climate change leadership is spearheaded by “Temple Emanuel Environmental Movement” (TEEM), which was formed in 2008. The goal of TEEM is to bring together people of different faiths, socio-economic backgrounds, races, ages and cultures, and to educate them about the importance of caring for […]
Chapel of the Cross, Chapel Hill
Chapel of the Cross 304 E Franklin St Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Contact: Graham Swift, Chapel of the Cross’s Environmental Stewardship Committee was formed in 2002 in response to the concerns of parishioners regarding threats to our environment, especially climate change, and the understanding that we as Christians believe that we are called to be […]
Unitarian Coastal Fellowship, Morehead City
Unitarian Coastal Fellowship 1300 Evans St, Morehead City, NC Contact: Penny Hooper, This small congregation in Morehead City is home to a large Green Sanctuary Committee which helps UCF to develop strategies to operate in accordance with the Seventh Principle of our Unitarian Universalist Faith: “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of […]
United Church of Chapel Hill
United Church of Chapel Hill 1321 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Contact: Kathy Shea, To Believe is to Care, To Care is to Do” has long been the bumper sticker associated with United Church of Chapel Hill (UCCH). The fruits of this strong commitment to bring faith to action are evident […]